

Select a style from the designs below. We will Customize it specifically to your business

Build your dedicated art portfolio website today; it is the only place online where you are the master of the show. Have full control over what, when, and how to post your art with a dooklik website.

You are a painter, photographer, designer, musician, make-up artist, model …. No matter your line of creativity, display your work and convey your message with a clear, concise, and user-friendly website. Post your work in progress, finished pieces, workshop announcements, awards, or even sell your art with a website you own.
There are countless benefits to creating and maintaining social media as an artist today, but sadly, you do not own your social media account. Your work can be restricted, lost in the crowd, or even banned. With a dooklik website, you and only you decide what to post, when to post it, how long it stays there, how to organize it, when to change it, where to put it, when to move it or when to take it down. You have total control over your appearance, design and functionalities.

You can decide at any moment to leverage your website's e-commerce capabilities and turn it into an earning opportunity by selling your artwork, products, or services directly from the site. You can benefit from our SEO expertise to optimize your website so that it ranks highly in Google.
Here are the must-have features to get the best quality to price Art website: 
Features dooklik
Reflective Design 
A clear and simple design that reflects your unique style and artistic aspiration
Features - dooklik
Social Media Sharing
Link your website to all of your social media pages (and vice versa) so that visitors can move freely between them as easily as possible
Features - dooklik
Digital Gallery
A clear space to display your art whether in images or videos with dropdown options to organize your pieces into groups or series of related works. This will also serve as intellectual property guard against copyright infringement
Features - dooklik
Contact Details
Highly visible contact details throughout the site with a range of contact options, phone, email, online contact form, to make it easy for potential clients and businesses to contact you
Features - dooklik
About the Artist
A haven to tell your story and explain the roots of your art and the growth journey of your artwork
Features - dooklik
Blogging and SEO
A space to create relevant blogs to increase your chances of showing up at the top of google search results to secure traffic and, in turn, sales of your artwork
Features - dooklik
Responsive website 

More and more users are accessing websites from their phones, you need to build sites that are just as beautiful and functional on mobile as they are on desktops. Your dooklik website will adapt organically to a wide range of screens.

Features - dooklik
Online Selling
With dooklik you can decide at any moment to turn your website into an e-commerce platform and sell your art. Contact our sales team to upgrade your website with complete ordering and payment information for potential buyers
Features - dooklik
Build Credibility
Having a website helps to build your credibility as a professional in the digital space, and improve your real-world reputation as a result
Features - dooklik
dooklik websites design and functionalities are fully compatible with EU data protection regulations
Package will include:
Package - dooklik


One website platform license
Package - dooklik

Design Template

One design template with minor modifications to reflect a professional and personalized image. You will get the selected design after 7 working days with ongoing sneak peaks of progress updates
Package - dooklik

Training Session

Training session of 2 hours to get you fit to use dooklik easy platform and fill your own data. Our support team will hold your hand throughout the maintenance cycle. This is not an off the shelf package
Package - dooklik

Email support & Maintenance

A support team to resolve customer concerns and issues related to a product or service in addition to one-year website maintenance covering regular check-ups
Package - dooklik

Social Media Integration

Easy integration with social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram
Package - dooklik

Domain Name

Free domain name registration for one year
Package - dooklik

Yearly Hosting

Free Hosting for one year
package dooklik

Domain-based emails

10 mailboxes license, each 500MB with webmail and spam filtering
Package - dooklik

Marketing Guidance

Free one-month marketing guidance to help you not only bring your business online quickly and easily but also grow it through marketing tips via blogging for SEO purposes as well Goggle and Facebook
Package - dooklik


Security protection to guarantee an up and running website all year long
Package - dooklik

Google/Website Analytics

Access to website analytics to assess traffic and ROI
Package - dooklik


Usability guarantee to ensure clients find their needs easily
Package - dooklik

Constant Updates

Updates for functionality improvements
Package - dooklik

Payment Gateway

Guidance session to secure a deal with the payment gateway of your choice

Future Provisions

maintenance cycle with dooklik
The maintenance cycle with dooklik covers the period of 12 months (one year). Our team will make sure your website remains backed-up, updated, secure and error free. At the end of each cycle you will be notified that your maintenance is ending 30 days, 15 days and 3 days before it ends so you can renew it and process its payment. Upon renewal (after one year), a 10% of your license fees will be added.
hosting cycle with dooklik
The hosting cycle with dooklik covers the period of 12 months (one year). Our team will make sure your website remains up, speedy and secure with a reliable hosting package. At the end of each cycle you will be notified that your hosting service is ending 30 days, 15 days and 3 days before it ends so you can renew it and process its payment. 
Upon renewal (after one year), additional charges will apply.
Hosting Renewal Costs: $180/year
domain name service cycle with dooklik
The domain name service cycle with dooklik covers the period of 12 months (one year). Our team works with the most reliable domain name registrars. We will make sure your domain is unique and protected against hijacks. At the end of each cycle you will be notified that your hosting service is ending 30 days, 15 days and 3 days before it ends so you can renew it and process its payment.
Domain name Renewal Costs: $30/year (.com, .net, .org, .info, .me)
All other Domain name TLDs: $70/year
*30 days before expiry date, an order will be created in your account to settle renewal fees. Once settled your services will be automatically renewed.
Multilingual Feature

Multilingual Feature

Multilingual Feature

Multilingual Feature



Custom form Builder

Custom form Builder

Custom form Builder

Custom form Builder
Membership Management System

Membership Management System

Membership Management System

E-Marketing & CMS Services
Website Copywriting

Website Copywriting

Website Copywriting

take your content to the next level
$58.80 per web page
Search Engine Optimization

Search Engine Optimization

Search Engine Optimization

Take your website SEO to the next level
Social Metrics Reporting

Social Metrics Reporting

Social Metrics Reporting

Social Media Effective Package

Social Media Effective Package

Social Media Effective Package

Social Media Effective Package
Social Media Small Business Package

Social Media Small Business Package

Social Media Small Business Package

Social Media Small Business Package
Content Management Servicing

Content Management Servicing

Content Management Servicing

Content Management Servicing
Online Services
Web Push Notification

Web Push Notification

Web Push Notification

Web Push Notification

Build your dedicated art portfolio website today; it is the only place online where you are the master of the show. Have full control over what, when, and how to post your art with a dooklik website.

Package Summary
Item Code: Artists
Best Artists - by ,
4/ 5stars
Great work for Artists
  • Tell your story space 
  • High-end website development
  • Exhibition-like Gallery 
  • Social Media Integration
  • 1 year Free hosting
  • Payment Gateway Integration 
  • 1 year Free domain name
  • Clear and simple website design
  • view more
    Whether you are a consultancy company, creative agency, contractor, wedding planner, doctor, lawyer, middle or small firm, recruitment, real estate agent, or accountant, make sure you are found when your potential customer is looking for what he wants online before even knowing you.

    No matter who you are, a personal trainer, yoga teacher, gym, sports center or a healthy lifestyle coach, you can’t do without an online presence in today’s world.

    You are lawyers, legal advisers, attorneys, barristers at law, counsels, solicitors, advocates or any other legal and law-related service, dooklik team will help you build, manage and grow your online presence.


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    A call to all Vloggers, Youtubers, Video creators out there
    Grow your YouTube channel. Own your brand. Diversify your content type
    Build a website today with dooklik team
    Vloggers & YouTubers
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